What's up?

I'm super excited that you stumbled across my little corner of the internet! My name is April Joyelle, and I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I recently decided to put my big girl pants on and invest time and money into getting serious about this whole blogging thing (serious in a fun way of course).  I'm a  24-year-old girl/woman from North Carolina just getting my foot wet in the whole 'adulting' thing. Help?  Haha. Anyways, I'm in a weird transition state of life;  waiting on God for my dreams, and also taking some risky leaps of faith in between all that waiting. I'm hoping to challenge myself to get more vulnerable on this platform while encouraging others to do the same. I consider you a friend already! My biggest dream would be to meet all of you and have one big girls night complete with my favorites like pizza and salted caramel Talenti...along with a Netflix marathon of Gilmore Girls or A Different World of course! Since we can't do that (yet!) please cozy up and make yourself at home on my blog. Comment, subscribe, and follow me on social media! Lets do this journey called life together.