A.J’s of The Week

Hola people! This weekend I’m suffering from the effects of sinus issues (Hello Spring!) If ya’ll have some remedies that would help ya girl out, please let me know!

Without further adoooo:

  1. Fitness Blender: Chile I’m cancelling my Planet Fitness Membership this week. This Youtube channel has tons of different workouts to choose from. A great workout is literally at the tips of your fingers. A cool plus: most of them don’t require equipment! For me, making the 20 minute drive across town to work out on machines I’m probably not using right just isn’t worth it. I can take that $10 a month and do something else, plus it only takes like 5 minutes to hop out of bed and turn on my laptop. I’m way more likely to workout if I know that’s all I have to do. Ditch the gym, workout at home, and save ya coins!
  2. Beauty and The Beast: Removing my personal preferences (I wasn’t much of a Disney  animated movie fan as a kid…yes I had a great childhood haha) I have to say that the remake of Beauty and The Beast was very well put together. The visuals were awesome and the diversity was great. I loved seeing people of color represented in the film. I’m actually pretty curious about all the other remakes Disney will be kicking out in the next few years (I heard there will be  19!). All in all, it was a ‘magical’ experience.
  3. Bad Daddy’s Burgers: My friends got me hip to this place when I was in Winston-Salem for college. Its a burger place and the coolest part is that you can build your own burger!  We just got one in Fayetteville, and the third time I visited I felt like it was much better than when it first opened (its like that when new locations opened). The BD Snickerdoodle milkshake is amazinnnng. Also, I tried their banana pudding the other night and was pleasantly surprised that it was actually GOOD, like it could possibly compete at your family reunion cookout (possibly). Plus, I’m a sauce girl and they have quite a few different sauces to try that are amazing! Their Bad Daddy’s sauce is bomb, as well as their Chipotle Ranch. Gon’ give it a try!

Hope you guys have a great week!

