Completing the Picture

Do you remember the moment? That heart shattering moment that you realized you were being hurt, abandoned, or rejected?

3rd grade. Walking into class and realizing the ring leader from the girl group that you so desperately wanted to fit in with invited everyone to her birthday party. But you.

Eleven. Stepping on the scale and wincing at the number. Not knowing what the ideal body of a desirable woman would look like…but having an intrinsic knowing that you already didn’t make the cut.

Or maybe 17, when he dropped you with a snap of a finger and you realized you could never view men the same. Every unanswered text or slight change in attention left you spiraling, triggered from your first love.

The past few months have been a journey for me; its like God is making me more aware of myself. Spreading out all of the painful snapshots from my past. Walking through each one with me. Showing me how I carry each one, like a  pain-filled scrapbook. Undealt with, it has affected so many areas of my life, I pull the proverbial past up and live life frozen in the narrative that hurt me so much before.

Even though I live in the present, I rush to make sure new things don’t pan out like the last time. So in control and fear I set the stage like a director. Trying to orchestrate the scenes just right so that I’m safe.

It doesn’t work.

One night, while journaling God spoke these beautiful words to me:

“I have it. In every moment where you were hurt I picked up the slack. I was there, ready to be your absolute everything. Waiting for the day you realized that all of your sweetest dreams are complete in me. I was always meant to be the completion. And I’ll restore what was lost. So go ahead. Imagine Me the completion of every broken love story you ever experienced.”

For every broken heart and every unmet expectation, He is the fulfillment. Just as creation groans for a Savior and as we groan for perfection we turn to Him. He embodies every imperfect thing. He is the completion. We groan for more because we just want Him.

We lost hope in broken humanity not knowing we were just looking for Him. Every offense. every painful moment, every unfulfilled dream just points back to Him. He is perfection itself. Not to be found in any human being or man made entity.

It’s just You Lord.

Anytime another human gets it wrong, its just another chance for God to complete the picture. For every obliterated fairytale, there is a Savior who gets it right every time.

So the next time you think about a past moment of pain, picture God in that very moment and what He would say as it happened. And in future moments of pain, remember He will be there. Completing what wasn’t finished. Being what no one else could ever be.

What was, and is

Is covered by the one who was and is

You’re covered by love

If you forget,

just lift your head

my banner over you is love.

Good and Loved x Travis Greene feat. Steffany Gretzinger