Why I’m an Extroverted Blabber Mouth and Other Shower Epiphanies.

I had this epiphany in the shower about why I’m an extrovert.

First of all when I’m sad, happy, angry, or just….FEELING; I burst into tears.

When something exciting, scary,or insane happens I HAVE to share it with someone so we can discuss and process through it together. If you follow me on Instagram (and you’re on my Close Friends list), sis (or bro lol) you get an earful! Whatever I’m going through spills out of my body. That’s why I write, dance, talk, etc. I feel like God knew that I would be a woman full of feelings that would need to get them out somehow; and that is why He gave me so many creative outlets.

Some people are internal processors. They get quiet, they need to be alone, they find their power from going inward.

That’s all fine and good, but I’m the opposite. I’m an external processor that needs everyone to feel what I feel (this isn’t always healthy). But, its what makes me a really good storyteller. I have this cool ability to take my own personal experiences and paint them in vibrant hues that everyone can experience.

All this to say that this is the place that my content will come from. My creative process absolutely has to include my current pains, hurts, triumphs and heartbreaks. Jesus touches every single part of my life, so He’s interwoven through each part…even if its a poem about love or a short story based on my life.

Me and Jesus have something in common:

We’re both storytellers. 

I always think in pictures and visuals. My imagination can whip up a story in 2.5 seconds flat about a random lady on the street, a sunset, a memory, a song. Being a good story teller also means that you can find the speck of gold in any piece of dust. It means that clouds are always silver lined. You can’t not hope as a story teller. You craft the end from the beginning. You step outside of the timeline of a story you created and graft all of the pieces together to make a love story for the ages, an inspiring tale of triumph, or a redemptive romance.

Sometimes, that’s all I can see; hope.

I’m learning that’s okay. Storytelling is a gift. To be able to see and infuse hope anywhere isn’t something I ever want to stop doing. To craft together a piece of work that offers the world a glimmer of light, well that is such a blessing.

Now that you know my heart, be on the lookout for more of my consistent content. Here’s a peek at my schedule so you can stay up to date on what’s going on over on my Instagram.

Mondays: #MondayMusings are just little blurbs that come from the notes app in my phone. God is constantly speaking to me and this is a place where I can share them.

Tuesdays: #TransparencyTuesday is something I started on a whim in June 2019. Every Tuesday I upload a video on IGTV and talk about what I’m going through, processing, or thinking about.

Wed or Thurs: #AJShootsHerShot and/or personal photos. I’ll explain what I’m doing with #AJShootsHerShot very soon!

Friday: There will be a hot, new, fresh blog post every Friday.

Make sure you don’t miss out on all the fun! My instagram is @apriljoyelle_

I’m trying to get it all out and do something GOOD with what I have inside.

Fam, keep me responsible.Blow up my DM’s and email if happen to fall off.  I only used this blog 3 times in 2019, which is totally unacceptable considering how much money Bluehost pulls out of my account every year to own my own domain!

I owe this to God, myself, and ya’ll.

HAPPY FRIDAY! Please comment below and let me know what other content you would like to see from me.

Love you deep,